Social media gained even more steam in 2016, and smart companies such as Starbucks, Red Bull, Arby’s and Chobani took to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social channels to reach new customers and build brand loyalty.

What does it take to win hearts and minds on social media today?

You could hire a female base jumper, get her to launch off an 8,000-foot mountain, grab your product during her descent, and then capture it all on 360-degree video. That’s exactly what Dunkin’ Donuts did, and its high-stakes gambit paid off.

Other notable brands used social media creatively to lower their prices, solicit product designs, and even publish a customized cookbook. If you’re looking for inspiration as we head into 2017, check out these 10 social media campaigns from last year. (And if that’s still not enough, here are 10 more from our April 2016 roundup.)

Starbucks’s Instagram-inspired Red Cups
In 2015, Starbucks’s minimalist red holiday cup stirred controversy. Critics called the cup boring or bemoaned its lack of a specific holiday-themed design. Some Starbucks fans even decorated the cups themselves — and that gave the global coffee retailer an idea.

In 2016, Starbucks invited customers to submit their own designs and post them to Instagram using the hashtag #redcup. The company chose a total of 13 different cup designs, submitted by customers in the United States, Canada, Dubai, South Korea and other countries.

A green “unity” cup, which was also controversial, proceeded the 2016 #redcup campaign. Nonetheless, with its holiday cups, Starbucks creatively used social media to engage customers and drive media attention.