Professional challenges are a part of any job. But for some entrepreneurs, it’s the insights they gained from personal hardships that lead to breakthroughs in business innovation.

Combating Bias With Empowerment

Women entrepreneurs encounter a different set of obstacles based on gender bias — from battling sexist stereotypes to lack of representation in leadership, pay gaps and outright exclusion or discrimination.

Despite these challenges, Sarah Tourville carved out a space for herself, founded her PR and marketing agency Media Frenzy, and established herself as a leader in a male-dominated space.

To achieve business innovation, Tourville turned the traditional business environment on its head: She leveraged her success to create an inclusive and progressive workspace that embraces, rewards and elevates promising women in the field.

But it wasn’t easy getting to the C-suite. Tourville often found herself in positions where she needed to prove her value to colleagues and clients beyond that which was required of her male peers.

“In such a competitive field, I knew I had to take risks or I would be left in the dust,” she explains. “And as a female entrepreneur, these stakes are much higher. ”

As she pushed through gender barriers, Tourville reflected on her experiences and those that many other women face everyday. She decided to build a company that actively champions and empowers women in an effort to combat the existing biased culture. At Media Frenzy, she promotes: “a diverse and inclusive environment that empowers my team to be themselves every time they step into the office,” As such, she looks to “offer opportunities to promising female professionals.”

Her advice? Pull up a chair for other women. Seek opportunities to promote and empower them. Create community. There is power in building strong relationships and aligning yourself with the right people.

“Form genuine bonds rather than using people as a means to an end and both your personal and professional lives will flourish. By making strong partnerships and surrounding myself with the right team, I was able to grow my business and continue to give mentorship and guidance to the next generation of female leaders.”

Today, Media Frenzy is a go-to agency in Atlanta. The team leads engagements for global brands including telecommunication companies, governments and technology companies.

We all face personal hardships. Learning to embrace the lessons of each challenge may be the breakthrough you need to find success in both your personal and professional worlds.


Read full article in American Express.