By: Sarah Tourville, Founder and CEO

As business owners, there’s one word that fuels the trajectory of our business: growth. Most recently, my company completed a major rebrand and our core messaging came down to a simple yet compelling phrase: Go There.

This forced me to ask myself: Do other brands know what it takes to really “go there” in business? Our mantra is one I believe all companies and brands should embrace to differentiate themselves and ultimately increase their presence as well as organizational outcomes.

With hundreds of PR and marketing agencies vying for new business and long-term client relationships, agencies must operate at the top of their game to stand out and corner their market. Achieving this requires tenacity and grit — qualities anyone looking to elevate their brand will need.

I would be remiss to say there weren’t times where I, or my team, weren’t challenged to think more creatively, go beyond what’s required or weather storms to finally land notable clients and execute stellar campaigns. In fact, we take this with us every day, which gives us the ability to come out stronger than before. Here are a few ways you can live and breathe the “go there” attitude:

Think beyond the norm.

This is often the first step in revolutionizing a next-level approach. It’s impossible to innovate, disrupt or even successfully progress when you run the same race as everyone else. You must customize a strategy that takes your client’s idea or strategy to new heights.

For example, one of our clients in the managed software space was looking to show its appreciation to customers through a series of events around the country. Historically, our client crafted your typical thank-you dinner with personalized gifts, which we believed were great. But this is where we envisioned providing next-level experiences that would up the anté and leave a lasting impression on their clients. We curated three bi-coastal events, ranging from a private wine tasting at a Brooklyn winery to a private yacht experience on the Pacific Coast. Each event was tailored to exceed expectations for both our client and their customers. From customized gifts to some of the world’s finest cuisine, we curated unforgettable moments that will last a lifetime.

What one can learn from this scenario is not centered around crafting the perfect yacht experience — rather, how ideas can be built upon and taken to the next level. In our highly competitive ecosystem, there is no time to think small, sit back or drum up mediocre ideas. The time to maximize your impact is now.

Embrace any bumps in the road.

One of the biggest hits to my agency came about three years into the business when our largest paying client suddenly had to cancel their services. As a small business owner, it can be overwhelming and somewhat frightening to navigate the path of bouncing back from a financial hit such as this. One thing I’ve learned, not only in business but in life, is that when one door closes another one opens. This became an opportunity to move outside of my comfort zone by seeking and connecting with clients that were looking for a change in the trajectory of their brand and needed our help to get them there. From this, we were able to work with clients in retail and fintech, which allowed our team to stretch their skillsets and (cross-industry) expertise.

I believe a lack of “dark moments” for an agency can ultimately cause their demise. Having highs and lows challenges your team to bring out the best in all of you. It also allows you the ability to improve by leaps and bounds.

Become a thought leader in your space.

In my experience, creating great content and pursuing speaker opportunities that showcase your expertise can yield better business opportunities and open the door to greater professional relationships. It’s something money cannot always buy. We’ve earned the business of our best clients by attending industry events and being involved in professional groups within our community. What I’ve learned over the years is simple: People like people. Excelling in business means mastering small talk and turning initial interactions into a lunch meeting that then (hopefully) leads to a partnership or new client.

To really “go there” in business means to approach new opportunities — a potential client or even the next big idea you may have — without fear. Contrary to popular belief, fear can often be a sign that you need to move forward. If we are not afraid, our pursuits are probably too safe to be disruptive or truly innovative.

Originally featured in Forbes.