Welcome to our Agency Spotlight series! Each article will feature pioneers of the #agencylife and how they run their businesses in the modern world.

Who are you? What is your background?

Media Frenzy Global is a PR content marketing agency based in Atlanta, Georgia. Led by CEO and Founder Sarah Tourville. Media Frenzy Global creatively reimagines how innovative and disruptive brand stories are told.

Sarah is a global citizen with roots in London England and is a 20+ year brand, PR and communications expert. Prior to taking the leap into entrepreneur life, she started her career working on the launch of Expedia across key European markets and then led PR and Analyst Relations for Motorola across EMEA.

How would you describe Media Frenzy Global?

At Media Frenzy Global, we develop results-driven communication campaigns for global companies and have perfected the art of getting small to mid-size tech brands major share of voice and brand recognition in their respective industries. We specialize in media relations, brand vision and creative content marketing for innovative tech companies. Based in Atlanta, GA with an office in London, our mantra is to help brands Go There. No idea is too big and we always strive to take our clients to the next level. We treat our clients brands as our own and never settle for the ordinary.

What does Media Frenzy Global do especially well? What is your speciality?

At MFG, our specialty is generating fresh ideas and creative concepts. Your agency should have a never-ending supply of creativity, which helps us fuel our social media content, PR campaigns, content marketing and brand vision projects. We are a team of writers, artists, strategists and futurists with a deep understanding of technology across both the U.S. and Europe.

How would you describe your workplace/office culture?

MFG is built on a sense of community. We are an independent agency and take pride in our talented and agile team. There isn’t a hierarchy and all team members from directors to interns are encouraged to share their ideas on everything from client recommendations to the creative direction of our agency as a brand itself. Every member of the MFG family is encouraged to come to the office every day as their complete, authentic selves. Our culture fosters innovation and fuels creativity and curiosity.

How do you promote an inclusive workplace at your agency?

As marketers, we recognize there is strength in a diversity of ideas, backgrounds and perspectives. A homogenous room will not be able to have the depth of all viewpoints and accurately reflect the world around us. Media Frenzy Global is a place where every idea is considered and differences are celebrated as valued assets in the workplace.

Find the original article on HeyOrca.